Make the Next 6 Months Your Best 6 Months: 7 Great Features to Look For In a Planner

With so many different types of planners on the market, what is your reason for choosing a planner? Is it to lose weight, reach a financial goal, or achieve any goal for that matter what are you looking for in your ‘perfect’ planner?

Whatever it is that you are looking for in a planner the Ready Set Win Playbook [Planner] has got you covered.

The Ready Set Win Playbook [Planner] encompasses time tracking, promotes healthy living, tracks expenses, helps make your goals more manageable and so much more.

What are you looking for in your dream planner so that this upcoming year you live up to your potential and not fall off the wagon like in previous years.

Here are 7 great features to look for when purchasing your next planner:

  1. Compatibility. The first thing to look for in a planner is how compatible will it be with your lifestyle. You should look for a planner that will align with what your need is. Are you trying to just stay on track with meeting, is there a goal, how will you use the planner in your life?

  2. Personalization. Do you need the planner to already be personalized with the dates, special dates to remember, questions to push you forward or do you want to personalize the planner yourself entering in your own dates, and you may not need any prompting in your planner at all.

  3. Brainstorming. Does your planner give you space to brainstorm or dump your thoughts. Brain dumps help you to get it out your mind and visualize tasks that need to get done. If this is important to you consider a planner that will allow you to do so.

  4. Plan. Do you need a planner that will allow you to formulate a plan and grow or do you need a planner that is more direct and easy to use.

  5. Analytics. Do you need a planner that will help you track analytics? Help you to see your daily spending. Help you see what you are getting done daily. A planner that tracks your day-to-day to help you create better habits.

  6. Track Finances. The ability to track finances for entrepreneurs is crucial, especially in the early stages of entrepreneurship. Even if you weren’t an entrepreneur seeing what you are making daily and how much you are spending daily helps you to recognize trends and set financial goals. Ask yourself how important of a feature it is to track your finances to reach your planning goal for the upcoming year.

  7. Prep for Tax Season. Some business owners pay quarterly taxes or some individuals religiously do their own taxes. Do you need a planner to make this easier for you?

No matter what you’re looking for consider the Ready Set Win Playbook [Planner] is the planner for you.

The Ready Set Win Playbook [Planner] allows you to take charge of your life all while accomplishing goals. It comes as a physical planner or a digital downloadable planner.

The Ready Set Win Playbook [Planner] is the ultimate planner. You have the ability to use strategic planning tactics like time block, task batch, and day theme. It also helps you to see your Blessings every single day while setting daily goals. You have so much space to write, track your health, plan your social media, track your finances, and reflect on your month. There is so much you can do to get yourself ahead with the Ready Set Win Playbook [Planner].

Whatever you are looking for in a planner whether you are an entrepreneur or not. This planner is the planner you need to plan your next winning season.

Ready Set Win Planner
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Bernice Victor

I am an Expert Brand & Marketing Strategist. I am here if you want to build and grow a sustainable business.

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